Planning & Zoning

For the purpose of promoting health, safety, public convenience, and public welfare, the board of county commissioners of any county may regulate and restrict within the county, subject to chapter 54-21.3, the location and the use of buildings and structures and the use, condition of use, or occupancy of lands for residence, recreation, and other purposes. The board of county commissioners and a county zoning commission shall state the grounds upon which any request for a zoning amendment or variance is approved or disapproved, and written findings upon which the decision is based must be included within the records of the board or commission. The board of county commissioners shall establish zoning requirements for solid waste disposal and incineration facilities before July 1, 1994. The board of county commissioners may impose tipping or other fees on solid waste management and incineration facilities. The board of county commissioners may not impose any fee under this section on an energy conversion facility or coal mining operation that disposes of its waste onsite. The board of county commissioners may establish institutional controls that address environmental concerns with the department of environmental quality as provided in section 23.1-10.

Planning & Zoning Hearings

Please contact planning and zoning for the applications and packet information.

Planning & Zoning Code Administrator

Sandy Rohde is the Planning and Zoning Administrator for Dunn County. Sandy is responsible for all zoning related questions, day to day enforcement and administration of the County's Zoning Ordinance, assisting citizens with rezoning requests, issuing and processing all building and zoning permits, issuing conditional use permits, conducting zoning inspections, issuing violation notices, and zoning variance requests.

Sandy Rohde, Planning & Zoning Code Administrator
Phone: (701) 573-4609
Fax: (701) 573-4323